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The mission of PSTA is to connect, inform, support, and advocate for science educators and students in Pennsylvania.

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President's Message

It is an exciting time to be teaching science in Pennsylvania!  We are moving out from under the pall of an epidemic and can once again work with students face-to-face and with physical rather than simulated scientific experiences.  In addition, the new PA standards promise to support a much more rich and applicable science education experience, with a focus on scientific practices and principles woven within every standard statement.

Please reach out to PSTA if you have any questions or concerns.  Or, better yet, come join us and share your enthusiasm for science education!  You don’t need to have an elected position to join one of our committees and it is a good way to help influence our work in PA.  If you want to be involved more formally, a good start is to run for a college, regional or at-large representative, a position that doesn’t require much more than your ability to represent the perspective of teachers like yourself.  Many board and committee meetings are now accessible online. 

I am honored to serve everyone involved in science education in Pennsylvania.

Robert Cohen

PSTA Past President 2024

The Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association is the home of science education leaders in PA. We support science education and educators by offering professional development (including an annual conference), providing resources on latest best practices in science education, and connecting science educators to one another.

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