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The mission of PSTA is to connect, inform, support, and advocate for science educators and students in Pennsylvania.

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  • 5 Sep 2019 11:49 AM | Samantha Ramaswamy (Administrator)

    Girls Who Code, a leading national non-profit with the mission to close the gender gap in technology, offers free after-school Clubs for 3-5 and 6-12 grade students to join our sisterhood of supportive peers and role models using computer science to change the world. The application for the 2019-20 school year and is now open. To start a free Club, visit

     6-12 Grade Clubs

    Using our online curriculum, students engage in fun online coding tutorials, build community through coding and learn about inspiring role models.  No CS experience is required to run a Club.  Using their new CS skills, Club members work together on a project to impact their communities.  We offer grant funding for our Clubs!  For students in 11thgrade and up, we also offer our alumni network, #HireMe.  We provide ample resources, access to our community, and no big commitment is necessary, just the desire to learn code in a fun, supportive setting.

    3-5 Grade Clubs

    Students learn basic CS principles with our unplugged Clubs. Guided by our free books (we provide 5 free copies per Club), students read, discuss and work on activities, encouraging learning and bravery.  Clubs can be run entirely offline, with optional online activities. No CS experience is required to run a Club and we offer grant funding. The time commitment is entirely flexible.


    If you would like to start 5 or more Clubs, we would love to partner with you, providing additional grant funding, resources and a dedicated partnership manager at Girls Who Code, Eve Balick,  to help you.

    To join our 500+ Clubs in NJ or PA or for partnership, contact Eve Balick at

  • 8 Apr 2019 6:12 PM | Anonymous

    Students are invited to design the 2019 PSTA Conference Logo to represent the 2019 PSTATheme:  Preparing Students and Teachers for Next Generation Science! The deadline to submit is May 13.
    Check out more details HERE.

  • 23 Mar 2019 12:29 PM | Anonymous

    Early bird registration is now open for our annual conference. Check out the events page to register now.

  • 8 Feb 2019 8:39 PM | Anonymous

    Calling all PAEMST alumni!  
    The 2019 cycle of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is in full swing! The PAEMST team is kicking off the 2019 Nomination Drive today and we need your help!  
    By sharing PAEMST information on social media, forwarding this email to friends and colleagues, or nominating a great teacher yourself, you can help us spread the word about PAEMST to even more deserving teachers. Nominations can be submitted on our website, The nomination deadline is March 1, 2019 and the application deadline is May 1, 2019
    We’ve included some sample Facebook and Twitter posts that you can share on social media. We also encourage you to access the NSF Facebook and Twitter pages and share the nomination drive posts from NSF throughout the week. 
    The 2019 Nomination Drive for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (#PAEMST) begins this week! My time as a PAEMST Awardee has been highly rewarding. If you know a 7-12th grade science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teacher whose impact goes beyond the classroom, nominate them today. Let’s celebrate the excellence of STEM education together!
    #PAEMST 2019 Nomination Drive is this week! As a proud #PAEMST alum, I encourage you to nominate STEM educators in your community!
    Should you have any questions about the program or the nomination process, please contact or 855-723-6780. 
    The PAEMST Team 
    855-723-6780 (PAEMST-0) 

  • 1 Jan 2019 8:19 PM | Anonymous

    You can make a difference! Please act today.

    As you know, The PA science standards are outdated and sorely need to be modernized. We received word that there may be some changes coming soon, so we need your help. We're asking you to write letters to three decision makers at PDE to let them know how you feel about the current standards and what you think should happen with them. 

    Yes, you read that correctly. We're asking you to actually print out a letter and mail it in. "Who writes letters anymore?" you may ask. The people who want to actually make change, that's who. Emails, Tweets and calls are OK to get short-term attention but we need real, paper and ink letters that can be copied and shown to the politicians making decisions.

    You won't need to write a book. All they need to hear is how frustrated science teachers are with the current standards and how much better shape we'd be in with the NGSS. There will be a sample letter copied below for you to model yours on. Once you're done writing it, send a copy to each of these people:
    Pedro A. Rivera, Secretary, Department of Education
    Matthew S. Stem, Deputy Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Brian Campbell, Director, Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
    The address is: PA Department of Education 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126

    Secretary Rivera wrote an op-ed in a number of papers across the state this week touting the changes PDE has made that will help our students succeed. One glaring omission was any word about science and STEM standards. Please remind him how important it is to have modern standards for us to teach from.

    Sample Letter:

    Secretary Pedro Rivera

    PA Department of Education

    333 Market Street

    Harrisburg, PA 17126


    Dear Secretary Rivera:

    I am a retired elementary/middle school science teacher and IUP professor. I write to you today regarding the current legal PA Academic Standards for Science and Technology. Adopted in 2002, they are extremely confusing, non-specific by grade level and outdated. I have often witnessed the confusion and frustration exhibited by classroom teachers trying to navigate between those and their non-legal 2009 counterpart. Unfortunately, the ramifications for students and science education are dire.

    The students of the Commonwealth deserve to have access to the best possible science education at all levels. This requires a current, consistently used, research-based set of science standards employed by educators statewide. I strongly encourage the Pennsylvania Department of Education to adopt new standards, specifically, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), to accomplish this goal. 



    Science Teacher
  • 10 Oct 2018 8:03 PM | Anonymous

    At the 2018 conference, PSTA made $665.00 on the professional development silent auction. Each of two winners of the drawing will be awarded a $332.50 professional development stipend. Thanks to all conference attendees who participated and made the event so successful. The winners are:
    Eileen Coughlin, Falk School/Pitt
    Todd Smeltz, Upper Dauphin SD

  • 2 Oct 2018 7:17 PM | Samantha Ramaswamy (Administrator)

    PSTA needs dedicated, passionate leaders to join our team!

    Please consider running for one of the following positions that are currently vacant on the PSTA Board of Directors:

    • Vice President
    • K-12 Regional Representatives: Central, Central Western, Eastern, Northeastern, Midwestern, Northwestern and Southwestern
    • Central College Representative (open to college and university faculty only).

    If you are interested in running for any of these positions or have questions regarding a position, please contact Todd, our Recording Secretary, as soon as possible at

    When you reply, please include the following: indicate the position that you are interested in, your school/institution affiliation, your school's county, your county of residence, a short bio about your qualifications, and that you are a PSTA member in good standing. 

    Applications must be submitted by October 15, 2018. 

  • 16 Sep 2018 9:04 AM | Anonymous

    Advance Program for the 2018 Conference is available! To see the program for PSTA 2018, click here!

  • 8 Sep 2018 1:32 PM | Anonymous

    The PSTA Board has taken a position on the NGSS. Please take a look at the statement HERE.

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